Preventative Heart Health Measures: Good Fats and Bad Fats

good fats and bad fats

To keep your heart in top health, it’s essential to learn the difference between good fats and bad fats.

Some think it’s necessary to cut back on fats completely. But this isn’t correct. Our body needs a balanced intake of various nutrients, and that includes good fats.

Here are the most important things you need to know good fats and bad fats.

1. Good Fats Protect Your Heart Health

Monounsaturated fats and polyunsaturated fats are good for your cardiovascular system.

To increase your monounsaturated fat levels, you should consume avocado, vegetable oil, and various nuts. This will improve your cholesterol levels and make you less vulnerable to heart disease.

Polyunsaturated fats are found in plants and fish. Omega-3 fatty acids are the best-known example.

If you consume omega-3 fatty acids, you will have a more balanced blood pressure. Additionally, they will improve your heartbeat and have a very beneficial effect on your brain.

2. Bad Fats Increase Your Chances of Heart Disease

Saturated fats put you at risk of diabetes. They may also increase your cholesterol levels.

Red meat has a high content of saturated fats. Many dairy products do as well. Coconut oil and cocoa butter are also rich in these harmful fats.

But trans fats are much worse for your cholesterol levels. You get trans fats in fried foods, margarine, pastries and various popular snack foods.

A Final Word

Some experts suggest that saturated fats are safe in moderation. The best approach may be to keep consuming them, but frequently replace them with polyunsaturated fats. For example, you can replace red meat with fish.

If you practice moderation and improve the balance of good fats and bad fats in your diet, you can prevent many serious complications.

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